Motion Industries, Inc.
1605 Alton Rd. Birmingham, AL 35210, USA
For more information
A leading distributor of quality products and services to 150,000 government and industrial customers in North America, Motion Industries operates in the MRO (maintenance repair and operating) replacement parts market as well as the OEM market (Original Equipment Manufacturer or Equipment and Machinery).

Motion Industries serves its local markets with over 550 locations including 511 branches, 15 distribution centers and 42 service centers throughout North America. Through this extensive operating network, our customers have access to over 5.6 million quality parts, sourced from a global manufacturing base.

Wholly Owned Subsidiary of Genuine Parts Company (GPC)
$4.5 Billion 2013 Mi Sales
OEM Sales account for a significant growing market
Proven track record with more than 65 years in the industry
Leader in a large and diverse industry
Broad and deep inventories representing major brands
Highly developed supply chain and logistical capabilities
State-of-the-art e-business technology

Corporate Responsibility
Motion Industries has a commitment to being responsible corporate citizens, and has operated in such a way for over 65 years.

As a leading industrial distributor, we strive to transfer impact and raise social, ethical, and environmental standards wherever we do business. We value our relationships with our Suppliers, Customers, Employees, and Community. The brands we represent and the service we provide every day to our customers reflect our commitment to do things the right way and to do them well.

We are committed to delivering superior service and value to all of our supply chain partners, including customers and suppliers. This means creating and sustaining a relationship of trust and transparency, and a platform for mutual benefit and growth. We value a culture of strong ethics, continuous service improvement, collaboration and responsiveness in our relationships.

Our success as a business and to society depends on Motion's best asset: our people. With an average tenure of 13 years, the knowledge base of our employees provides exceptional service to our customers. Our talent pool is broad and diverse, and we believe in developing our people so they can reach their potential in providing superior customer service. Related programs and resources support our employees in attaining this achievement.

Community Relations
The quality of our community and its resources provides a platform for our company and our employees to grow and thrive.

We seek to integrate awareness of social and community issues into corporate decisions at all levels and to encourage active participation in endeavors which benefit the community where we live and work. This includes our local communities as well as our business community at large, our corporate community, and our supply chain community.

We are proud to support many initiatives to help those in our community. We encourage our employees to get involved as well, as we provide compensatory time for them to do

Environmental responsibility and sustainability are important issues for Motion Industries and its employees, customers and shareholders. We recognize our responsibility to respect and sustain our environment and are committed to strategies, policies and programs to do our part as it relates to our energy management, facilities management, shipping practices and the products we sell.

Motion takes its role as a steward of the environment seriously and has established a sustainability program which acts as the cornerstone of our commitment to the environment.

Motion Industries' Green Initiative
Our Choose Green initiative began with a corporate-wide program that encourages employees to make choices respectful of our environment, both at work and at home, including the sharing of Green Initiatives Results, Employee Green Ideas, Employee Green Tips and a Choose Green Brochure.

Choose Green works in conjunction with Genuine Parts Company's Living Earth Environmental Program (LEEP). Together, these and other initiatives aim to raise awareness of environmental issues and to show employees how to live and work in ways that respect the Earth and reduce their impact on the natural environment. This includes promoting, recycling and reusing materials like cardboard, paper, glass and metals; keeping environmental concerns top-of-mind for all employees through newsletters and quarterly posters (on recycled paper of course); and, recognizing and rewarding exceptional performance and results from Company locations and individuals.

Press Releases
Looking for Motion Industries news? Check out our press releases and discover the latest developments.

Investor Relations
Motion Industries is a wholly owned subsidiary of Genuine Parts Company (GPC), a Fortune 250 service organization engaged in the distribution of automotive replacement parts, industrial replacement parts, office products and electrical/electronic materials. GPC's common stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol, "GPC". Visit GPC's Investor Relations webpage for related business and financial details regarding GPC and its subsidiaries, including Motion Industries.

Career Opportunities
Consider a career with Motion Industries, one of the leading industrial distributors in North America. Our company's greatest asset is our people. Beyond parts, Motion Industries provides hands-on services that are critical to the smooth operation of our customers' facilities. Our product management and technical support services are a resource for our field sales people, and represent all our major product areas.

MI Locations
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