Monitor Technologies, LLC.
44W320 Keslinger Road Elburn, IL 60119
For more information
Practical solutions... at every level!

On behalf of our world-wide network of dedicated employees, sales representatives and distributors, welcome to Monitor Technologies' website. At Monitor, we strive to provide you with practical solutions at every level, whether it is a product or service. We believe that a practical solution in today’s market is not just a plain, basic, mundane idea, but rather, a creative innovation wrapped in common sense,
delivering the “exact” value that you require.

Are features and functions your focus?
We offer a variety of practical solutions from the very simple-to-operate to others that have complex functions designed for specific needs.

Is cost-of-ownership your focus?
We offer a variety of practical solutions in a wide range of prices.

Is technical support your focus?
Our world-wide team is motivated and equipped to support you. If you prefer independent study, we have a large number of resources on our
website and blog.

We enjoy the privilege and challenge of providing a practical solution at every level of interaction whether it is a personal visit, email or simply your experience browsing our website.

If you have not yet had the opportunity to experience“Monitor”, contact us today and let us put our solutions to work for you!

All the best,

Craig Russell
President, Monitor Technologies LLC

NOW AVAILABLE! View Monitor's website in your choice of 10 languages French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Chinese, Russian and Japanese.

Providing more than just a product...
We are dedicated to providing practical solutions backed by a customer service approach that emphasizes the “personal connection” to you, our customer. We are committed to listen to your feedback with the goal of delivering a matchless combination of product quality, ease of purchase, low total cost and effective postsale product support.
Services that we provide in support of our products include:

Fast access to a world-wide network of sales and technical personnel
Expert advice based on 55+ years of experience in powder & bulk solids
Exceptional product literature and award winning tools to simplify product selection
Full-featured website and blog packed full with information and solutions
Service department capable of in-factory product repairs or field service
On-time, quick delivery
Personalized Care
Hassle-Free Transactions
2-Year Warranty
ISO 9001 registered quality system that continually pursues “best business practices"