Marshall Air Systems
419 Peachtree Drive South Charlotte, NC 28217
For more information
Our Mission
"The success of our company has been built on the ability to take the needs expressed by our customers and apply our knowledge to solve those needs. We have built our name on quality and our reputation on integrity. We pledge your satisfaction is our #1 objective."
Ron B. Reynders
Senior Vice President Sales & Mfg.

Company Profile
In 1976, Marshall Air Systems, Inc. organized to design ventilation systems for the restaurant industry. Responding to a customer request, Marshall designed an electric conveyor hamburger broiler to automate the cooking process producing a consistently cooked, better tasting burger. A later request for improved and consistent food warming equipment resulted in the patented ThermoGloTM technology, producing a consistent and superior heat source for holding foods hotter. Now Marshall manufactures a complete line of commercial foodservice equipment including AutobroilTM conveyor broilers, AutotoastTM conveyor toasters, AutogrillTM tortilla grills, AutomeltTM conveyor cheese melters, and ThermoGloTM heated holding units to complement its signature line of custom ventilation systems.

Marshall’s high standards of quality and innovation are top priority goals. All product lines are supported by in-house Sales, Customer Service and Engineering teams. Marshall’s manufacturing facility, features technologically advanced fabrication equipment including fiber optic lasers and robots, guaranteeing consistent quality. Staffed with knowledgeable on site personnel, our pledge is a courteous and prompt response for every customer in a timely basis. A toll free line, available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in addition to a network of service centers across the United States and international distributors around the world ensures reliable field support.