Apptech Solutions
3993 Daugherty Road; Salem, VA 24153
For more information
Apptech Solutions is committed to providing you, our customer, not only an exceptional product but also exceptional service. By partnering with Apptech Solutions, you will be served by a dedicated team of knowledgeable experts to assist you with the specific requirements of your project. Our team will work diligently to ensure you receive the highest quality, cost effective product and solution.

We are focused on developing products that are considered to be the water and wastewater industry standards for performance and longevity. Tanks constructed of structurally reinforced thermoplastic (SRTP) are superior to concrete, steel and fiberglass tanks for a myriad of reasons including durability, weight, life expectancy, corrosive resistance, water tightness, and ease of installation and maintenance. SRTP tanks are undoubtedly the superior choice.

Apptech Solutions also recognizes our responsibility to protect and conserve our most precious commodity, water, by being a good steward of the environment. The sustainability of our products employs green building solutions and accomplishes this most important objective.

The Apptech Solutions team works diligently with our customers to ensure complete satisfaction. We sincerely appreciate the opportunity in solving your water and wastewater treatment challenge.