Agropur MSI, LLC
2340 Enterprise Ave, La Crosse, WI 54603
For more information
Agropur Ingredients represents the ingredients business of Agropur Cooperative, an important player in the global dairy industry. Agropur has networks managing cheese, whey proteins, agglomeration, formulation, blending, dry packaging, branded ingredients, as well as RTD production and formulation. Comprised of several manufacturing and blending plants in the US and Canada, the business unit offers the worldwide food industry a trifecta of products and services including: functional ingredients, ingredient distribution and contract manufacturing.

Our progressive approach allows us to be at the forefront of all that trends in food industry cost, function and nutrition.

Agropur Ingredients Health & Wellness division brings sports nutrition and wellness concepts to life through extensive systems focused on product development, processing, packaging and market incorporation. As part of Agropur Dairy Cooperative we are global in our vertical integration and equipped to assist in all facets of product sourcing, formulation, manufacturing, testing, packaging, and distribution. We’re a company driven by movers and creators.

Our forward-thinking keeps us resourceful and driven — our wholesome history helps us to appreciate what it took it get here.